methodology of social scienceの例文


  1. After having had to bear a bitter and humiliating period he was appointed professor of Methodology of Social Sciences at the University of Barcelona.
  2. Weber's methodology was developed in the context of a wider debate about methodology of social sciences, the " Methodenstreit ".
  3. He then went on to complete post-graduate studies in the methodology of social sciences and a doctorate in political studies, both at the University of Portsmouth, England, in 1999.
  4. These include the devising of the curricula for primary and secondary education, vocationalisation, preparation of teaching material, introduction of science and technology at appropriate levels, preparation of syllabi for collegiate education, examination reform, giving a new thrust to the quality, content, direction and methodology of social science research, compilation and analysis of educational data and financing of education.


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  11. "methodology of science"の例文
  12. "methodology of scientific research"の例文
  13. "methodology of systems analysis"の例文
  14. "methodology weight"の例文

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